The Western Human’s World God And Science

What would the Western human’s world be without god, or without science May 2014 Scientifically natural gravity is (November 2013, Henis Dov) the “monotheism of the universe”. The reverence- to- god- tradition/religions of the present Western culture, was introduced in the would-be Western communities cluster by Abraham (2117-1942 BCE) from the Casdites-Babylonians, in whom it…

Subverting Organized Religious Science כח המשיכה הוא הדת של היקום

Subverting Organized Religious Science כח המשיכה הוא הדת הבלעדית של היקום November 14, 2013 Subverting Organized Religious Science I embarked on comprehending gravity in the process of my Don Quixotic mission to un-theosophize religious Science of the trade-union-church AAAS. I pondered: IF life is just another mass format, as per my own long life experiences…

Einstein Comprehended/Elucidated Gravity ?

היגס שמיגס: נא ללמוד את מהות כח המשיכה שהסתברה והוגדרה בישראל בנובמבר 2013 ואשר מתקנת את הבנת המצב הדו-קוטבי מסה/ אנרגיה של היקום Did Einstein comprehend/elucidated gravity? NO, and neither Newton nor Darwin nor anyone else until insignificant I elucidated it… But I don’t count. I‘m transparent since I ‘m an independent free-lance …]editors_picks_week_of_October_3_2015_10_3_2015&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_a4c415a67f-3c56cdb8ed-…