AAAS reveres God's realm and delegates
16 Sept 2005, Dov in biologicalEvolution forum. From the Sept 2005 "Advances - The Monthly Newsletter for AAAS Members": Join the Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Religion. On 22 September at AAAS headquarters in Washington, D.C., the DoSER 2005 Fall Public Lecture Series presents a discussion about searching for a second genesis of life in our solar system. Learn about the scientific, practical, and philosophical implications and how we might recognize life that is different from us. To RSVP to the reception, lecture, and discussion: This site announces: Public Lecture Series 2005, Thursday September 22, 2005, Washington DC Reception 5:15 p.m., Lecture and Discussion 6:00-8:00 p.m. Searching for a second genesis of life in our Solar System. While the discovery of life on another world would be of scientific interest, determining that this life was a second genesis would have more profound scientific, practical, and philosophical implications. Unfortunately, the nature of alien life cannot be determined from fossils alone. Direct biochemical and genetic analysis of Martian organisms is necessary. The organisms need not be alive but they must be biochemically intact — corpses not fossils. In this talk Dr. McKay will consider where we should look and how we might recognize life that is not like we know it. Keynote Speaker: Christopher P. McKay, Ph.D.,Professor of Astronomy,Research Scientist,Space Sciences Division, NASA - Ames Research Center. Respondent : Rabbi Nancy Fuchs-Kreimer, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Religious Studies Director, Religious Studies Program Reconstructionist Rabbinical College end. DH. PS: This is the AAAS, our top scientists guild ! |